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Fernando Garibay
Record Producer and Songwriter
Founder & CEO
Trends in Music Tech
CODE Stage
Wednesday, March 06, 2024 16:05 - 16:35
Fireside Chat
Record producer, songwriter, entrepreneur, author, and academic. He was the musical director of Lady Gaga's Born This Way Ball and the producer of her Born This Way album. He has been nominated for multiple Grammy Awards and has helped write and produce a number of records, including five US number ones and several top 10 dance records on Billboard. ​ Garibay worked as an executive, producer and artist at Interscope Records. He is the Founder and Chairman of The Garibay Institute and Paradise/Interscope. Garibay is a visiting lecturer at Harvard University, Harvard Business School, Harvard Medical School, MIT, Stanford University, and California Western School of Law. Fernando is recognized as a contributor to the World Economic Forum/YGL and the United Nations Intergovernmental Organization.